Frog catfish

Who lives where? Who lives how? What story do these fish have? We are happy to answer these and other questions in our species presentation.


The frog catfish, as a species from the order of catfishes, is a leisurely swimming fish, which has interesting body spots. Its speckled sides show beige, brownish or gray-black spots. Its skin is scaleless and moves almost smoothly through the water with its elongated body shape. Its mouth has several barbels and it is an omnivore.





Way of Life/Habitat

The frog catfish is native to Sri Lanka, East India and Malaysia. It prefers slow flowing waters.

Fact sheet

Scientific Name: Clarias batrachus
Size: max. 47 cm
Weight: 1.190 kg
Age: unknown
Habitat: Sri Lanka, East India, Malaysia to the Mekong Delta native

Fascination from Second One - Aquarium Langenthal